Saturday, May 21, 2011

20th May, 2011

Up early this morning to catch the train to Lilli. Like worried about sleeping in and what the co-op wanted so awake at 2.30am, 3.20am, 4.15am, you get my drift. Actually awake replying to an email from daughter number 1 and the co-op (yes it was only the ipad, we don't have to join the great unwashed just yet) when the alarm eventually went off. Hang on a minute you say,daughter number 1? We now have daughter number 2. Hopefully we left her in charge of the house.......

Shower and dressed quickly and quietly I thought until we got 3 sharp taps on the floor from the room under us. (all I can say is they must have been out yesterday). Short walk to the international train station, St Pancras and onto the fast train under the sea to Lilli in France .

In Lilli and out onto the platform and it hits you. Bloody hell everything is in French and back to paying 50 cents for a pee. Found another couple of nice ladies and after a bit of a search on their computer system the tickets for France are printed. Annette off and purchased hot chocolates and a chicken roll and back with exactly that so not bad for a first go.

Off on the train to Strasbourg. A four and a bit hour trip. The country side started out fairly flat with lots of cropping then turned into pretty undulation country with plenty of forest patches and villages. Pity the train was zooming along, unlike our Ballarat fast train. Arrived in Strasbourg and off to find the motel. Modern building but large room, more than twice the size of the one in London and with a small kitchen area.

Went out and walked into the old section of town that is surrounded by water. Very old and pretty.

Some of the houses were no longer straight if they ever were.

Very pretty girls out and about. Pizza for dinner and late back to the motel to bed. Plenty to see and do tomorrow.


  1. Hi G & A, Glad to heare that you made it OK, I am asuming the Ipad is working fine although there seems to be a distinct lack of photographs of those hosties...... Anyway all is good here, enjoy your holiday, now that you will have to pay for 2 weddings! (didn't think of that did ya!)

  2. Hi G & A, Barcho here. I'm on with Trev today, so we're reading your Blog. Have a great time and keep your hands off the women's butt.
    Looking forward to seeing some great pix on here too.

  3. Hi, Annette and Graeme, Glad to hear you have made it safely. Have been waiting with baited breath for your first updates. Have fun with your ipad, I'm still researching to see if I buy one or not. But I do believe they have two cameras, one on the back and one on the front so am also looking forward to seeing the pics. Love Melita.
