Blew a gale last night and still blowing this morning with the promise of rain. Decided to stay put in the tent until the weather decided what it was going to do. If we had been home we would have had heavy showers every half hour but over here it just comes up black and passes right over. By mid morning we decided it would be too unpleasant walking in the wind so we decided to sit it out for the day.
Walked back into Beaugency over the bridge hanging on and found shelter in a nice little restaurant where we had the special of the day, poultry, chips and salad. Spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the town having a real good look at it. This is how the locals clean out their gutters.
Annette playing boats at one of the many fountains in town.
This carving of the impertinent child is 500 years old. Some things don't change much.
One of the many old streets.
One of the streets had a stream running down the side. It was beautifully maintained and went for blocks.
Found some wild raspberries growing along the river that had huge berries. Obviously I need to take better care of ours this year.
Back to the camping ground and biscuits and cheese for dinner with an ice-cream from the shop. Rained so to bed early as rain hail or shine we will be off towards Orleans tomorrow. Just as we are trying to nod off one of those noisy pigeons landed in the tree above us and started up it's racket. Annette said one of my mates were here. I often lie in the tent of a morning or evening and can't believe the locals haven't shot them all. There would be none alive near me if I lived here. It then gave one last cry, did a big poop right on the tent and flew off. Ahhh!!! Oh well it will rain and it will wash off.
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