Friday, August 5, 2011

6th August.

Up and off to the railway station to buy train tickets from Orleans to London. That done collected Annette from the hotel and a stop off at la Poste to lighten the load and we were off across the bridge. Going to be a long walk today. View back across the river to the town of Blois.

Every now and again we find small fields of wildflowers. They look pretty but we are not sure why they are planted.

Solid old houses. This one has a covered well out the front.

Not a lot to see just a lot of ground to cover. Lucky to arrive in a village just before the shops shut at 12.30 for their long lunch, so pastry treats, bread and fizzy drink for lunch whilst sheltering under a verandah out of the rain. Walking amongst the vines and along part of an old wall.

Lovely old gates.

Flat bottom boat taking people for a ride up river. We were actually walking faster than them.

Keeping an eye on the weather whilst waiting for Annette to return from checking a lane way. Are we going to get there before it rains?

Arrived in Muides-sur-Loire and tent up just in time. Not like a few others who were again putting up tents in the rain.

Too tired to even check out the small village.

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