Saturday, June 11, 2011

11th June.

Collected and dropped off at Montpellier railway station for our journey to Lyon. Sue and Vince off on their own and flying home from Nice the next day. Our thoughts were with them and I wondered if Karen was going to survive the journey or would she find herself with wings and a resting place in the country side somewhere.

This is one of the fast trains. Looks mean just sitting there.

Had a bit of a wait for the train so took it in turns guarding the packs and sightseeing. One for the boys at work.

One of the trams. We should have them at home.

We get on the train and find a seat and opposite us is a younger gent and a stern looking black lady. Annette said she looked a bit scary.
After a while this young girl gets on and she ends up sitting on the other side of the carriage facing us with a set of head phones on. Shortly after Annette says to me that she must have her music way too loud cause you can hear it from here. I say I can't hear anything. Annette comments a few more time with "surely you can hear the beat?"' Reply, "nope nothing".
Annette keeps looking in her direction. Must be annoying her. The black lady keeps looking at Annette when she is not trying to sleep. Something must be annoying her too. Maybe it's the same music, I haven't a clue as usual.
Time passes slowly then Annette decides to dig around in her purse and low and behold it's like the clouds part and the angles sing cause now even I can now hear the music. "Oh it's coming from my phone, here turn it off", she says quickly giving it to me like now it's my fault it's been singing along for the last hour or so and half the train can hear it. So I fumble around and turn it off.
I comment that the alarm had been set to go off at what ever time it was. "Why would Sue and Vince have the alarm set for that time, (pause) oh, bloody Vince", she said, "I guess we are lucky it wasn't 4 in the morning."

Well I thought it was pretty funny and it just goes to show that Annette's hearings sense of direction is as good as Karens. Ha ha.

Off on the train and arrived in Lyon and a short walk to Annette's cousins (Alice) apartment. Actually very short, as we walked past it before we realised. Very nice indeed and I might have a bit of trouble getting Annette out of here and onto the trail. Bit weird sleeping five floors up and the building is only two rooms wide, but her whisky helped. Thanks Alice.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annette and Graeme,
    Glad to see you back on your blogsite. Fantastic pics and stories. Thoroughly enjoying being part of your journey. Have already started my search for your double flowering oakleaf hydrangea. I'm sure Dave will enjoy the challenge. Enjoy the rest of your holiday and stay safe. Love Melita
