Sunday, June 5, 2011

5th June.

Sue and Vince off for a drive on there own with Karen this morning. We have to dry out the tent and gear so up early. Grabbed a french breakfast and down along the river where we set up the tent next to a playground on the only bit of dry gravel around in the sun and ate. Had a great conversation with the kids. Haven't a clue what was said. Just a couple of shots of the buildings along the river.

Rain held off long enough for the tent to dry nicely thank you very much. Always a problem.

Met Sue and Vince for lunch and Annette went with them for a short drive to check out the area around where they were staying. Annette took a few shots. Of what she saw.

I stayed back at the hotel and for the life of me I can't remember what I did. Probably just nothing.

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