Monday, June 6, 2011

7th June.

Back to Estaing which I had missed out on to have a good look around. Visited the Chateau Estaing which was slowly being restored because it had belonged to some past french presidents family. Very pretty town. Had a good walk around then had a morning tea next to the river then off.

Next stop another medieval town, Conques, on one of the pilgrim routes. Lots of them walking through.

Again a lovely old town on the side of a hill. strange to hear the children playing in the school yards in towns like this. Checked it out and there was a great big drop into the valley from the yard. Probably lose a few kids each year, but what the heck, no one wears a bike helmet.

Spent a bit of time looking around the street.

Don't know what they were expecting a rush of.

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