Tuesday, June 7, 2011

8th June.

Off from Espalion today to down next to the Mediterranean Sea near Montpellier.

Today was one of Vince's must see days. The worlds longest suspension bridge. Symbolic, magnificent, or just plain pretty impressive. Had a look around it, under it and I think I've been over it more times than most French people now. It is 245 metres tall to the bridge deck then another 73 odd metres to the top of the masks. Overall length is 2,460 metres. Yep 2.4 ks.

Arrived at our accommodation in Pignan. Looked like a nice old walled town on google maps but turned out to be not as interesting as what I had thought. The house where we were staying at was a lovely gracious place but we were in the back yard in the stable buildings.

Snacks for dinner.

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