Wednesday, July 13, 2011

13th July.

Rained most of the night and the entrance of the tent was right under the run off from the tree so lots of heavy, noisy drips all night. Lucky for us it tapered off in the morning allowing us to get us and the gear up to the bar area undercover. A quick breakfast and a very wet tent packed up. Misty rain so on with the wet weather gear and off through Creysse.

As is often the case it wasn't long before we had a long up hill slog and it started to rain in ernest. Stopped in St-Sozy for a hot chocolate and a frenchy treat and a check of our route.

The wet weather gear got a good work out but it did get a little bit hot and sticky inside as we were going uphill and working hard. The novelty of walking in the rain soon worn off.

Off over the freeway. Bloody people in their dry cars.

It rained all the way to our destination, Souillac, where we arrived just after lunch.

More hot chocolates and a ham and salad roll where the cheese is thick and creamy whilst waiting for the Office du Tourism to open. No sign of the weather improving and no real need to sleep in a wet tent. (wet inside after being rolled up). Annette said she would treat me a room in a hotel so I could catch up on the blog. (but I wasn't allowed to get any ideas) Very good of her, wasn't it? The lady at the tourist office found us a hotel where we had space to hang our tent and gear our to dry. Annette booked in for two nights, lucky me. Gear out and we are out to have a quick look around the town. Visited a farmers Market where they were selling mainly wine, walnut produce and geese produce mostly in cans, 'foie gras'.

Back to the hotel for scraps for dinner and update the blog. We discovered tomorrow is Bastille Day so we should be able to join in some of the activities especially if it includes sleeping in.

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