Tuesday, July 26, 2011

26th July.

Woke late to find it still misty rain so Annette off up to the corner to do the laundry and left me to do some of the blog. Later we went for a walk around the old part of town. This was part of the end wall of the church.

Lots of squares in the town usually with a tree or two and plenty of places to eat. This was one of them with an old washing fountain.

Found this old panel van. It would still be ok since most of the French girls are pretty short.

Some nice old buildings.

Found this flood level indicator down by the river. Hope you can zoom in on the photo as it was interesting reading the flood levels and what years. Yes, I know it is sideways.

This photo shows the flood level indicator with the river in the background. That is a lot of extra water to make it up to the road level let alone another three odd metres. There is no sea holding the water back either. Will the next big flood be blamed on climate change?

Nice court yard

Back to the hotel for dinner and off on the train to Tours tomorrow to start a section of walking from there. We have been dragging the chain a bit so have had to skip a fair bit of what we planned to walk.

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