Thursday, July 21, 2011

22nd July.

Light rain at 5am so tent wet yet again. I'm beginning to wonder when summer is coming back to France. Annettes tan, yes she has one, is starting to fade.

Over the bridge and straight away on the GR trail into the bush. Kept a better check on our progress today. Most of the walk on the GR but some on a main road which is always tiring watching out for vehicles and swapping from one side to the other for the best scrap of grass to walk on.

First stop La Roque Saint-Christopher. This is a tourist site where humans have been living on the side of a 300 foot cliff for the odd year or two. The site is made up of five terraces and is nearly half a mile long.

Arrived half an hour before it opened and waited on a couple of seats at a parking bay cafe. When they rolled up the shutters the lady came out and asked us if we were customers in the sort of voice that suggested that if we weren't we could bugger off. I felt like telling her no, just a couple of potential customers she just lost but I don't think she would have cared. Should of said we were forward agents for an invading country that was going to do a better job than the last one but didn't.

Actually found the site interesting. They say people lived along the cliff from prehistoric times right up to the wars of religion when It was destroyed. The great period of habitation was the middle ages when it was turned into a fortress.

Took a few too many photos.

Another shot.

Off on the road now to the Maison Forte de Reignac. This is a house built onto the cliff face in front of a large overhang. I thought that this was going to be a bit of a waste of time but again I was surprised and it was really interesting.

The house is sort of built up in front of then overhang.

Goes everywhere.

Had a large room devoted to torture instruments and their uses and although in my line of work I can see where some of them would be very useful, after awhile I began thinking the fellows that invented them and/or ordered the use of them were just evil bastards. Not allowed to take photos here but believe me you could be hurt in a few very nasty ways.

Left there and purchased some fruit from a roadside stall and had lunch on a picnic table. Spoiling her today. Lots more road walking and just when we stopped for a rest from the packs Annette spotted the GR signs so off along a nice track and some of it not so nice.

This rock shelter is where in 1868 Cro-Magnon (sounds like an ice-cream) was discovered. It was the first time anatomically modern humans were found in an archaeological context.

Into Les Eyzies and set up for two nights in a caravan park. Feels like it's been at least a week since we were here, not 3 days ago. Nice steak dinner at the park restaurant.

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