Friday, July 8, 2011

8th July.

Another hot day and we are off to Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne so left early as not a cloud in the sky. View of the pretty river as we left.

First view of Gagnac-sur-Cere and it is getting hot.

Lucky to find a cool drink and served by an English lady.

Then a spot to dry the tent with a few puzzled looks from the locals.

Went across the river. Le Cere at Le Port de Gagnac. Pretty spot.

Followed by a long step climb up the hill just to come back down to our destination followed by a bit of road walking. Lucky to pass a supermarket. Here they sell milk by bulk outside in a vending machine. You either bring your own bottle or buy one for twenty cents and fill it up for one euro a litre.

This is a nice old town with a large caravan park on the river with a huge pool which we made good use of.

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