Tuesday, July 19, 2011

19th July.

Rain on the tent woke me just after midnight. It continued throughout the night until about 6am. We were told later in the morning that they had had about 2 inches of rain overnight. Off to Les Eyzies this mornign where if we arrive in time we are going to catch the midday train further north to Perigueux then across to Terrasson to start our walk back south west along the la Vezere River. This area is dotted with prehistoric sites.

Again a very wet tent packed up and we were off about 8am and walked into St Cyprien to have breakfast and purchase supplies for the rest of the day. Not a real long walk but on the GR so there will be a few ups and downs. Before we could get into town it started to rain so utilised a supermarket trolley bay to change into our wet weather gear.

Into town and hot chocolates and frenchy treat for breakfast. Becoming a bit of a habit. Off out of town along the GR and as predicted up, up and up.

Past what we thought might have been an unloved chateau.

Along small country roads and back tracks which would have been very pretty if it wasn't for the rain. A few blackberries ripe and after all the rain a promise of things to come. The sun came out in time for me to catch it on the sunflower crop.

Came across an art studio owned by a G. Weir. In we went and his ancestors were Irish and he has been living in this farm house in France for over 20 years. Got talking and invited in for a cuppa and a look around the old house. Originally section was what they call a tower house where the animals were kept downstairs and the occupants lived above them for warmth. Fascinating house. Inside of the roof.

Kitchen sink

Outside with Guy.

The studio was situated in the barn where the typical French farmer would have kept his four cows below with the hay and corn above and accommodation for the farm hand if they had one. Interesting paintings. Annette made a purchase so it was attached to her pack for posting home when we got to Les Eyzies this afternoon. Now no hope in catching the midday train.

Off again in the rain and after more uphill walking and a missed turn finally arrived in Les Eyzies. Standing at an intersection checking the location of the train station on the iPad and Annette suggests I wander across to the wine tasting booth and ask the gent there. Off I go and he directs me to the station then comes back over the road to see what Annette is doing with the iPad. Invited back to taste some wine and they were very interested in what we were doing. Many samples later and the promise that we would call in again in a few days time on our way back down the river we left. They had a few different sweet wines and one that was just devine. Off to fine the La post and the La Gare. Looks like an interesting town and we may stay two nights when we get back and purchase a bottle of wine to consume. (Take a day to recover).

Train tickets purchased and all out gear spread out all over the platform drying out in the longest patch of sun sine we have had all day. 50 minutes before the train arrives and just enough time for most of the tent to dry.

Onto the train and I was asleep before it had gone a kilometre. I couldn't believe it. Arrived in Perigueux, a larger town, and the type of people hanging around the station only reminded me of why I like walking through the country side so much. On the next train and into Terrasson where we walked down to the river and booked into a cheap hotel for the night. Woman running the place was a bit odd but at least we will have a bed for the night. Decided to have scraps for dinner and have an early night.

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